ワールドメイトの資料 (ワールドメイト(Worldmate)の実態)

サイト マップ   since2009.

以下は、宗教団体ワールドメイト(Worldmate)とその教祖深見東州こと半田晴久(Haruhisa Handa)およびその関連会社(株)たちばな出版が、株式会社冬樹社と能楽評論家の大河内俊○氏を提訴した裁判(プシコ裁判)の抜粋である。

Court Case

A Court Decision involving Worldmate and Haruhisa Handa

Here is an excerpt English translation of the court decision in one of the many cases which Worldmate, Haruhisa Handa (aka Toshu Fukami) its leader, and/or their related parties filed against individuals or companies criticizing them but lost or settled without getting any recovery.

In the decision, the court branded Worldmate as a "wicked religion".

(Excerpt Translation)

Tokyo District Court
Docket No. (Wa)13753/2001, Damages Claim Suit
Judgment announced on February 24, 2003


Plaintiff: Worldmate
Plaintiff: Haruhisa Handa
Plaintiff: Tachibana Publishing Inc.
Attorneys for plaintiffs: Kensuke Nishigaito and Hideo Takasaki

Defendant: Tojusha, Inc.
Defendant: Masahiko Shimura
Defendant: Ohgochi Toshiteru
Attorneys for defendants: Masaki Kito and Eri Hironaka


1. All claims of the plaintiffs are hereby denied.
2. The court costs shall be borne by the plaintiffs.

I.The Outline of Case
1. Summary of claims

Each of the plaintiffs sought damages in the amount of \30 million plus interest jointly and severally payable by the defendants, Tojusha, the publisher of a monthly magazine, Masahiko Shimura, editor of the magazine and Toshiteru Ohgochi who contributed an article to the magazine on the ground that Ohgochi's article published in the magazine constituted a defamation against the plaintiffs.

Later, each of the plaintiffs sought additional damages in the amount of \10 million plus interest payable jointly and severally by the defendants on the ground that defendants Shimura and Ohgochi organized the "Worldmate Victims Relief Net" and distributed copies of said article to the attendants including media people at the first meeting of said Net.

Undisputed facts


Plaintiff Worldmate is an unincorporated religious body having its headquarters in and its chapters in various parts of Japan.

Plaintiff Haruhisa Handa is the leader of Worldmate and is also known as Toshu Fukami.
Plaintiff Tachibana Publishing Inc. is a corporation engaged in publication


Defendant Tojusha is a corporation which publishes a monthly magazine "Psiko".
Defendant Masahiko Shimura is the editor of "Psiko".
Defendant Toshiteru Ohgochi is a writer who contributed his article to Psiko.

3. The article in question

In the February 2001 issue of Psiko, an article written by Defendant Ohgochi and titled "The World of Shigeo Matsumoto" (hereinafter the "Article") was published. In the Article were passages to the following effect:

(a)  Toshu is the leader of a new religion "Worldmate" which has 26,000 followers and which was assessed a \3.3 billion deficiency by the Tokyo National Tax Bureau for hiding its income of more than \6 billion. Toshu was sued by his female followers for sexual harassment. His way of spreading his religion is to tell the follower that he or she is possessed by a black dragon and will be cursed by an evil spirit unless it is removed and receive \50,000 to \300,000 as his fees for removal of the evil spirit. Some followers who are husband and wife paid as much as \10 million. Another follower paid \100 million in her desperate hope to cure the disease of her child, by selling her house and borrowing money. It is just the same trick as the one used by Hogen Fukunaga who was arrested by the Prosecutor's Office for his "Sole Diagnosis". (hereinafter the "First Part of the Article").

(b)  There was an urgent message that "Tachibana Publishing" is a company controlled by Toshu Fukami........, I immediately alerted Mr. H that the publishing company is involved with a wicked religion,......., if a Noh review magazine serves the leader of a wicked religion and is subsidized by black money, it would incur criticism and may result in a turf strife among Noh performers and damage to reputation. You should break with Tachibana Publishing as soon as possible. (hereinafter the "Second Part of the Article").

4. Plaintiffs' petition for addition of a new cause of action and the defendants' objection thereto.

In the 9th hearing, the plaintiffs filed a motion for addition of a new cause of action. The alleged new cause of action is that Defendant Shimura and Defendant Ohgochi organized the "Worldmate Victims Relief Net" on August 15, 2002 and at its first meeting held on the 26th day of the same month distributed copies of the Article to many attendants including media people and held themselves out as victims. Each plaintiff sought additional damages of \10 million plus interest jointly and severally payable by the defendants on the ground that such conduct by the defendants constituted a tort and caused the plaintiffs mental sufferings. The defendants objected to the motion and sought its denial by the court.

III. The Court's holdings on issues
Justification and Tortious Intent/Negligence

A. . A defamation by publishing a fact is lawful (justified) where the conduct concerns public interest and purports exclusively to further public interest if the fact is proven to be true in its material part, or even where the fact is not so proven, if the actor reasonably believes the fact to be true, there is no culpable intent or negligence. A defamation by publishing an opinion or comment based on a fact is lawful (justified) where the conduct concerns public interest and purports exclusively to further the public interest if the fact on which the opinion or comment is based is proven to be true in its material part unless the opinion or comment amounts to a personal attack or otherwise goes beyond the permissible limit of an opinion or comment. Such defamation lacks culpable intent or negligence even where the fact is not proven to be true if the actor reasonably believed the fact to be true. These are established court precedents. (See the Supreme Court Decisions dated October 20, 1983, April 24, 1987, December 21, 1989, and September 9, 1997).

The First Part of the Article falls under the category of a defamation by publication of the facts that Plaintiff Worldmate was assessed a deficiency of \3.3 billion by the Tokyo National Tax Bureau for its concealment of \6 billion income, that Plaintiff Handa was sued by his female followers for sexual harassment and by publication of a comment based on the fact that Plaintiff Worldmate received a large amount of money by way of its fees for removal of evil spirits by taking advantage of the plight of its followers. The Second Part of the Article falls under the category of a defamation by publication of the comment primarily based on the fact that Plaintiff Handa is the leader of Worldmate and that he has a strong influence on Plaintiff Tachibana Publishing,   in addition to the publication of the aforementioned facts. Neither the First Part nor the Second Part of the Article constitutes a tort if the aforementioned requirements for justification are met. Considerations are given below in those regards.

B. Plaintiff Worldmate is a religious body which has its headquarters in and its chapters in various parts of Japan, has Plaintiff Handa as its leader and has more than 40,000 followers. It is considered to be a matter of great public concern whether the activities of such religious body are within the socially permissible scope. The First Part of the Article published the facts that Plaintiff Worldmate was assessed a deficiency of \3.3 billion by the Tokyo National Tax Bureau for its concealment of over \6 billion income and that Plaintiff Handa was sued by his female followers for his sexual harassment and the comment based on the fact that Plaintiff Worldmate collected a large amount of money as its fees for removal of evil spirits by taking advantage of difficulties on the part of its followers. The Second Part of the Article published a comment primarily based on those facts as premises. Thus, the contents of the Article are considered to be a matter of great concern to society and thus to concern public interest and purport exclusively to further the public interest.

C. Next, the truthfulness of the published or premised facts is considered.

(a) First, the court considers the truthfulness of the fact that Plaintiff Worldmate was assessed a deficiency of \3.3 billion by the Tokyo National Tax Bureau for its hiding of over \6 billion income.
According to evidence, it is recognized that it was Cosmo World Co., Ltd. rather than Plaintiff Worldmate, an unincorporated religious body, that was assessed the \3.3 billion deficiency for concealment of more than \6 billion income.

However, another evidence shows that the Tokyo National Tax Bureau (Ogikubo Tax Office) assessed the deficiency after determining that Plaintiff Worldmate is part of Cosmo World Co., Ltd. and Cosmo World should have filed its tax return for the income of Plaintiff Worldmate as the income of the former. Evidence, the by-laws of Plaintiff Worldmate and the tenor of the entire pleadings show that Plaintiff Worldmate and Cosmo World have their directors in common and are in inseparable relationship with each other with Plaintiff Worldmate as an unincorporated religious body and Cosmo World as an entity to conduct legal affairs, both functioning and acting as a single body by complementing each other and recognized as such by society.

In view of the aforementioned facts, "Worldmate" in the Article is interpreted as meaning a social existence comprising Cosmo World as its integral part by the standards of the normal care and interpretation of general readers. Thus, said published facts are recognized to be true as long as the fact that Cosmo World was assessed the deficiency for its concealment of income is true.

(b) Next, the court considers the truthfulness of the fact that Plaintiff Handa was sued by his female followers for sexual harassment.

Evidence and the tenor of the entire pleadings show that Plaintiff Handa was sued for damages on the ground of sexual harassment by his plural female followers and that in Case No. (Wa) 889/1993 of the Yokohama District Court, two female followers each claimed damages of \5.85 million against Plaintiff Handa and that Plaintiff Handa made an in-court settlement with the followers after three hearings and without the testimonies of himself and the followers by paying \5.5 million to each of the followers as a settlement money in exchange for her promise not to disclose the the settlement to a third party.

In view of these facts, the lawsuit filed by the female followers against Plaintiff Handa on the ground of sexual harassment is sufficient to raise a suspicion that Handa did sexually harass them. Thus, the aforementioned published fact is true and there is no unlawfulness in publishing the fact.

(c) Evidence and the tenor of the entire pleadings show that Plaintiff Worldmate collected a large amount of money from followers as its fees for removal of evil spirits by taking advantage of the difficulties on the part of the followers.

(d) It is undisputed among the parties that Plaintiff Handa is the leader of Plaintiff Worldmate and the Plaintiffs admit themselves that Plaintiff Handa has a strong influence over Plaintiff Tachibana Publishing as its Representative Director and President.

(e) As discussed above, each of the published facts in the First Part of the Article and the material part of the premised fact in the Second Part of the Article are true.

D. The court now considers whether the comments published in the Article go beyond the permissible limit of a commentary.

a.  In the First Part of the Article, the comment on the Plaintiffs on the basis of the fact that Plaintiff Worldmate collected a large sum of money from the followers as its fees for removal of evil spirits by taking advantage of the followers' difficulties is not particularly unfair and does not go beyond the permissible limit as a commentary.

b.  The court then considers the comment in the Second Part of the Article referring to a "wicked religion".

(a) The term "wicked religion" is interpreted to mean an unjust or immoral religion. The purport of the Second Part of the Article referring to Plaintiff Worldmate as a "wicked religion" is understood to point out a fact that Plaintiff Worldmate unduly collects money by preying on the suffering people where a religion is supposed to save people who are in trouble.

In the light of this premise, it is not particularly unfair nor beyond the permissible limit as a commentary that the Second Part of the Article commented that Plaintiff Worldmate which collects a large amount of money from its followers as its fees for removal of evil spirits by taking advantage of their plight is a "wicked religion", that Plaintiff Handa is the leader of a "wicked religion" and that Plaintiff Tachibana Publishing on which Plaintiff Handa has a strong influence as its Representative Director/ President is involved with a "wicked religion".

(b) The term "black money" is interpreted to mean illegal funds. On the basis of said published facts, it is not particularly unfair nor beyond the permissible limit as a commentary that the Second Part of the Article remarked that Plaintiff Tachibana Publishing on which Plaintiff Handa, the leader of Plaintiff Worldmate, exerts a strong influence, is "supported by black money".

E. In the light of all of the above discussions, neither the First Part nor the Second Part of the Article has any unlawfulness and constitutes any tort.

3. Thus, without more, none of the claims of the Plaintiffs has any ground.

IV. Conclusion

For reasons stated above, the court hereby denies all of the claims of the Plaintiffs as lacking merits and orders accordingly.

The Civil 18th Division of the Tokyo District Court

Koji Iwata, Presiding Judge
Tadashi Kudo, Judge
Yusuke Tokuda, Judge

(Translator's Note):
Regarding the tax matters referred to in the court decision, Nihon Shichokakusha (formerly, Cosmo World) filed a suit against the Director of the Ogikubo Tax Office to seek revocation of the tax assessment but lost the trial case. However, Nihon Shichokakusha appealed and prevailed in the appellate case.)


[15570]名誉毀損が認められた? by.○○ 2003年08月26日(火) 23時38分 ■



[29871]週刊新潮 by.○○2005年09月30日(金) 20時31分 ■






[29874]新潮記事トリビア by○○2005年09月30日(金) 21時14分 ■

・文部科学省管轄公益法人 (社)能楽協会(


[51325]邪教判決の受け止め方の答えは、これだね by.○○2007年02月18日(日) 23時35分 ■


謝罪もなく一方的に、ワールドメイトが訴えを取り下げるという今回の和解は、一審「邪教判決」があったからこそ成立したものであり、「ワールドメイトを邪教と評しても違法でない」との一審判決(しかも3人の裁判官の合議で出された結論です) が出されたという歴史的真実は、何ら揺らぎません。

[51351]プシコ裁判(第一審判決) by.○○2007年02月19日(月) 00時03分 ■



判決の一文  「邪教」とは正しくない宗教あるいは反道徳的な宗教を意味する言葉であると解されるところ、本件記事②が原告ワールドメイトを「邪教」と論評している趣旨は、宗教は本来困っている人を救済すべきものであるにもかかわらず、原告ワールドメイトは困っている人の弱みにつけ込んで不当に金員を徴収しているという点にあると解される。


[51340]プシコ裁判(その2) by.○○ 2007年02月18日(日) 23時49分 ■

ワールドメイトほかが会員誌を提訴 「プシコ」裁判について

現代社会と精神医学を扱った雑誌なのだが、01年7月2日、 その「プシコ」が名誉毀損による損害賠償請求を求めて訴えられたという。



(*松本恵雄=大正4年生まれ。能楽師。重要無形文化財能楽の部 能シテ方個人指定保持者「人間国宝」であり、数々の受賞歴をもつ)


では、まずなぜ会員誌「プシコ」の記事と伝統芸能である能、 そして今回の提訴が関係するのか、事の経緯を整理しておこう。

[51341]プシコ裁判(その3) by.○○ 2007年02月18日(日) 23時51分 ■

1 事の発端~ある芸術短大での出来事~

その資料には、深見氏が新興宗教ワールドメイトの教祖であり、 所得隠しやセクハラで訴えられていると記されていたという。
 大河内氏は、これを読んで「なんのことはない足の裏診断で 検察庁に引っ張られた『法の華』の福永法源と同じ手口ではないか」 (原文ママ)と思ったという旨を雑誌「プシコ」の連載ルポ「松本恵雄の世界」内に記した。

[51344]プシコ裁判(その4) by.○○ 2007年02月18日(日) 23時53分 ■

2 ワールドメイトほかが大河内氏の記述を全面否定

大河内氏は「能楽ジャーナル」の中心論者として活動していたが、 健康上および家庭の事情から第30号をもって引退することを表明した。

だが、編集委員のH氏から、「たちばな出版なる出版社が、無料で編集いっさいをやるから『能楽ジャーナル』を続けてはと」と 申し出があっため、「新・能楽ジャーナル」として再生、いったんは大河内氏も賛成した。ところが、先の芸短大事件のときに ワールドメイトの資料を送ってきた人が、「『たちばな出版』は 深見東州黒幕の会社である」と大河内氏に知らせてきたという。

そこで、H氏に「あの出版社は邪教がからんでいるからと注意したが、 H氏は『邪教承知の上のこと』」と答えたのだと、大河内氏は記事内で述懐している。大河内氏は、「本来自由な発言機関であるべき筈の能評誌が、邪教という、邪教の教祖という主人持ちでは、その発言を誰が信じようか」

「正義感に溢れ私は賛嘆し続けていたのであったその人【編集部註H氏を指す】が、ブラックマネーの援助を受けていては、『お前だって』と言われることになる」 (原文ママ)と「松本恵雄の世界」に記した。

[51346]プシコ裁判(その5) by.○○ 2007年02月18日(日) 23時55分 ■

これに対して深見氏、ワールドメイト、たちばな出版の3者は、 自分たちは宗教を騙った詐欺的な集団ではない、所得隠しやセクハラで訴えられた事実はない、邪教や邪教の教祖呼ばわりは誹謗中傷に当たるなどとして全面的に否定し、名誉毀損による損害賠償請求の提訴を行った。

 宝生流能楽嘱託教授、東州宝生会主宰を称する深見氏は、 宝生流宗家・宝生英照氏とともに、ニューヨークにある国連本部前広場(1999年6月2日)や、エジプトのスフィンクスの前で能を演じている (2001年6月1日)。このスフィンクス公演はエジプト国内初の本格的な能の公演であり、その報道の様子にも、「プシコ」の編集兼発行者である志村○彦氏(冬樹社)は、ひとかたならぬ疑問を呈する。


[51349]プシコ裁判(その6)終わりです by.○○ 2007年02月18日(日) 23時59分 ■






「ワールドメイトが宗教法人として認証されていない限り、 深見氏は『宗教家を自称している事業家』ではないのか。

それを都合にあわせて宗教家と事業家の2つを使い分けるとすれば、 単なるご都合主義に過ぎない。宗教家は事業家よりも、より高度な倫理性が要求されるのであって、その行為についての社会的批判を甘受すべきではないのか」


[51358]ブラックマネー by.○○ 2007年02月19日(月) 00時17分 ■




b  また、「ブラックマネー」とは不正な資金を意味する言葉であると解される所、前記摘示事実を基礎とすれば、本件記事②が、原告ワールドメイトの教祖である原告半田晴久が代表取締役社長として強い影響力を有している原告たちばな出版を「ブラックマネーの援助を受けて」いると論評していることも、特段不公正なものとは言えず、論評としての域を逸脱したものと評価することはできない。

参考:[51333] 2007年02月18日(日) 23時45分

[74995]WM邪教判決はまだ、有効では? by○○ 2008年07月07日(月) 20時47分 ■






参照: http://homepage1.nifty.com/kito/wm-info.htm#030226

[74997]「邪教」判決は失効ではありません by.○○ 2008年07月07日(月) 22時23分 ■


失効になったのではありません。 いつもながらのすりかえ、詭弁です。一審の判決はそのまま生きています。
『「ワールドメイト」と半田晴久(=深見東州)氏、たちばな出版が、訴えを取り下げて和解 したのですから、プシコ側の勝訴的和解です。』




参考:[74966] 2008年07月06日(日) 23時11分

[75013]詭弁?失効でしょう。 by.○○ 2008年07月08日(火) 23時43分 ■


「名誉毀損の法的構成については、既にCyber Red Cardに、2003年4月15日号「名誉毀損の必然性」、2003年5月1日号「名誉毀損の法理」の2稿をUPしていますが、名誉毀損の概念がかなりテクニカルな概念であり、これを形式的に捕らえると、ワールドメイトの理屈も一応成り立つものの、詭弁であることがよくお分かりになると思います」



[75014]控訴とは、 by○○ 2008年07月09日(水) 01時03分 ■




